Thursday, 21 January 2016


Dance is a kind of language that reveals a person’s reality, behavior, and character towards God. It also helps give important messages about religions, especially their practices which lie in its feelings, emotional and symbolic capacity to create moods. “It is a game, an art and a ritual.” In a very special way, dance creates a sacred time and place between me and the divine one. It not only takes place at times of particular importance such as at the changes of seasons, but creates a new human time which is a rhythm; a rhythm which humanizes time. It also creates a holy place, again not only because it takes place at a holy well, river bank or sacred tree, but because the dance itself creates a special pattern of space in which the ritual activity occurs. While dancing, change is taking place in a person’s body as well as the mind. Through it a person becomes human. Dance deals with the basic forms of human experience, space, time and out of the direct control of these two elements, creates a totally humanized atmosphere.
Religious dance can range from spontaneous individual movement to highly formalized symbolic movements that appear in ritual and ceremony as part of structured religious services. Devotional dance is a part of many systems of belief about creation, the universe, nature, and the mystery of human existence. To qualify as a dance, movement must embody significant symbolic, healthy, or decorative aesthetic values. Dance can be thought of as a unique form of expression that includes movements, emotions and symbols.

 Leaders of Tomorrow

            The youth are the leaders of tomorrow. It might be true of course but I found my mind to be more comfortable with saying it the other way round: the youth are the leaders of today. However it may be, whether the leaders of today or tomorrow, all that matters is the desire for difference from yesterday. The time has come for us to mark the eve of the long-awaited tomorrow for the youth to realize their position of leadership in the society. Different generations have come and passed but upon the present lies a greater expectation.
            Poverty has spread its branches to every corner, corruption is deeply rooted in our society, the notions of peace are becoming tales, human rights violations have become a common feature, freedoms are being threatened, lives are wasted, families destroyed, people dance to the tune of illiteracy, and other problems too numerous to mention. All are the result of bad leadership. On the other hand young people who are part of the society, where their role is significant in this context.  They are integral and essential part of a society and a society is incomplete without young blood. Therefore it is said: “Today’s youths are the force, hope and leaders of tomorrow”, because they are the future of society, country and community. Young people are the driving force of change and can encourage governments to declare their priorities. Young people have important responsibilities towards their country. It is important to learn from the past and to live with a hope for a better future, a future that is appropriate for the children of this age and future generations.
            The future generation has a duty to be honest, genuine, of good values ​​and to work day and night for the betterment of the society and the country. Young people have a duty to use their skills, strength, creativity and imaginations to serve the country and the nation in the best possible manner.These are the young people who can make the difference, because they are the backbone of a nation and can build a bright future for society based on values ​​and courageous behavior. Education is the key to success for any individual that holds true for our youth who are the future of the country. Physical education and sport should also be given due importance, young people should play regularly, as health is vital for their progress. If our youth are healthy, they can do more work for the country.
            Time is precious and its wastage is a great loss for the future, therefore, young people must do everything to use their precious time wisely. Youth should channelise their energise their precious time and energy to maximise their potentials. I feel that today’s youth are the only hope of tomorrow, and we have a duty to understand their importance and work according to the need of the time. Our youths are not less than the youths of other countries and are very capable and have various opportunities. They have the skill, behavior, attitude, health, knowledge and ability to make the future of the country very shining.
            I believe therefore that the life and success of nations and their bright future lies in the hands of the young generation of today. And if young people of today have strong values, the best education, good health, right priorities and full sincerity, then we can say that the future is bright. And if, unfortunately, today’s youths do not prepare themselves enough, then we cannot say that the future will be brighter than today. Because, strong building always has a strong foundation.


Youth Quest for Meaning

            Quest for meaning in life is a usual monograph. And being young is a period where you have got quest for meaning. Youth is fleeting so feels there is no time to lose. In other way yout quest is a turbulent head of steam of inexpressible yearning which must find expression. Youth quest constitute a good mirror to society today. Today’s youth are not concerned merely with building a society for tomorrow; they are a reflection of our own age and not merely the heralds of tomorrow.Their concerns are those of the present.
            Each youngster gives a different answer to each question. Each answer is a reflection of his evaluation of the ideologies personalities and life styles prevalent in society. The youths are an emerging generation; they are full of energy. They are enthusiastic. They constantly search for genuine values that can make a success of life find meaning of life. In this search they encounter the adult world, often only to be disillusioned and disappointed. The world of the adult is far from the world of their dream.The future does not belong to those who are content with today; rather it will belong to those who can blend vision, reason and courage in a personal commitment.


Risk to Let Go

            There is no such thing as zero risk. Life is full of risk. For example, every car journey involves an element of risk; that doesn’t mean that we walk to cover distances. There are risks associated even if we stay indoors. However that does not mean all risk is unavoidable. Most of the risks can be managed and measures taken to avoid or to reduce the harm. There is also risk in the youth work and ministry. We have a responsibility to create a safe environment for the young people we serve. They are far too precious to be exposed to harm, especially when it is unnecessary or avoidable.
            Young people often take enormous risk just to prove their worth to others. Without giving a second thought to the consequences of their take steps these rash decisions eventually leads to their downfall.

Bitterness towards Jews  
Hitler’s hatred was blind towards Jews and referred to them as “carriers of filth and disease.” He forced hundreds of young children to scrub the sidewalks and buildings; also they were forced to paint the word Jew on their parents store windows. More than a hundred Viennese synagogues and Jewish prayer houses were demolished. Jewish children were no longer allowed to attend School; also business and homes were set on fire. All Jews were forced to wear a six pointed yellow star on their clothing, identifying them as Jews. Jews left for places as far away as China, India and Kenya to escape the terrors of Nazism. Hitler had written, “Germany’s final objective must unswervingly be the removal of Jew altogether.” Then Britain and France declare war on Germany, and World War II began.

The understanding of the subjective truth
Christianity is the highest truth of existence, for it brings man to an inwardness that is the deeper than his own subjectivity. Subjective truth is very important for Kierkegaard. He regards it as the highest truth available to mankind, and he makes it clear that by subjective truth he does not mean that a belief is true simply because one believes it to be true. Instead, he is referring to the subjective experience of being, or living, within truth of immersing oneself in the subjective, inward activity of experientially exploring and discovering truth of one’s own self in the process of existing, which is the process of becoming, a direct personal involvement in the living moment by moment process of unfolding reality. This is why subjective truth is sometimes called existential truth because it is essentially related to one’s actual existence; ‘the inward deepening in and truth. Constantly, Kierkegaard says, “Judge for yourself.”  This judging or examining one’s life according to the truth can lead the person on the path of self perfection. 
When Kierkegaard speaks of the inwardness of subjectivity, he is in no way referring to introspective reflection on our own mental and emotional states, for this would merely be the mode of detached contemplation. Instead, he is referring to active involvement, manifested by passionate self-commitment to one’s innermost moral or spiritual commitments. Kierkegaard gives absolute precedence to subjective truth for dealing with matters of moral and spiritual or religious truth. The truth about how human should live their lives. The truth can only be truly known and are only of use once they have become inwardly appropriated through subjective experience. 
Kierkegaard believed that ultimately, the highest level of subjective truth available to a human being is faith- a state of consciousness of infinite in which one is no longer confined to the perception of reality imposed by intellectual reasoning.  It is only through a leap to faith that we can commit ourselves totally to a god whose existence is logically and rationally uncertain. Kierkegaard had complete faith that the highest form of selfhood-man’s highest form of self-realization as spirit – is a religious existence defined by passionate self- commitment to the personal Absolute through the sustaining standpoint of faith; for him this meant Christian faith. It is only through the medium of faith that one can accept the paradoxical nature of Christianity and live in the presence of eternal, absolute truth. Kierkegaard sees becoming religious in terms of up building and forming the individual.

            In the New Testament Christ calls the Apostles and the disciples to witness. A witness is a person who directly demonstrates the truth of what he proclaims directly. The performative gesture of witnessing includes more than the simple message it conveys, because it is primarily a demonstration of inwardness, of who I am as a self before God. The point here is that it is a poor proclamation of Christianity that occurs only in words, in direct communication. Why? Because Christianity can be communicated only by witnesses that is, by those who existentially express what is said, actualize it. Being a Christian is, without a doubt, neither more nor less than being a martyr. Because martyr bears a witness to God. Every Christian, that is, every true Christian, is a martyr.Suffering for the truth is the only possible awakening.